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Andreia Santos - Hit Nails - Coimbra

Andreia Santos - Hit Nails - Coimbra

"I started in the aesthetics field in 2007 with the aesthetic masseur course, and in 2008 I began with gel nails, which is when I realized that nails were my great passion.

At first, I tried to find a job, but due to my physical appearance, I was rejected in several salons, so I was forced to work from home where I spent years building my client base. In 2019, I opened my salon, a significant milestone in my career.

At the beginning of 2020, I took the trainer training course, and that’s when I discovered another great passion: teaching, sharing, and passing on all my knowledge to others.

In 2021, I formed a partnership with Sandra Arzileiro, and in 2022, we embarked on this incredible adventure of being a training and sales academy in Coimbra.

In the nail area, my passion is nail art, and it truly fulfills me. Structure is my constant challenge, and it is what I strive for every day to try to reach perfection."

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