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Bruno Rosado - CEO Hit Nails

Bruno Rosado - CEO Hit Nails

Cila and I started this passion naturally 10 years ago. We are passionate and visionary; we started seeing that there was no market in the nail area and decided to take a risk: today we are international trainers and judges of internationally recognized championships.

As incredible as it may seem, it all started with a dream: one day Cila woke up and said to me, "last night we were doing nails all the time!" We naturally laughed because we were far from thinking that one day we would actually do nails.

Everything in life has a reason, and years later from this dream, there we were doing nails, teaching students, passing on our knowledge.

My first international trainer was the spectacular Ralf Bartch, then I trained with Mari Irimia, Krisztina Kalmár, José Alcaide, Cristobal Cerveras, Edina Albach among others. Today I specialize in our partners' Structure and Nail Art.

Today we have trained more than 5000 students over more than 12 years as trainers and owners of HNHitNails.

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