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Catarina Silva - Hit Nails - Vila Real

Catarina Silva - Hit Nails - Vila Real
Hello, my name is Catarina Silva.
Since childhood, I have had a very special interest in aesthetics, but I still graduated in gerontology. One day, my boyfriend decided to give me a gel nail training course as a Christmas gift, and that changed my life. Since then, I have been working in this field. I have always been passionate about nails and eyelashes, and since the day I started, I can't see myself doing anything else. Sometimes we just have to take risks because our future depends only on us and our choices. I was invited to work with HN HIT NAILS VILA REAL in March 2022, and since then, I have been constantly evolving and have become a trainer at this academy. My biggest advice is to always fight for what makes you happy and not let life's opportunities slip away. A few years ago, I couldn't imagine myself being a nail and eyelash stylist, let alone a trainer. Today, I only think about doing more and better because that's truly what makes me happy.
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