Trainers Cila Santos - CEO Hit Nails When I opened this company in 2008 with the help of my brother, everyone said: "Are you going to invest in nails? That's a fad that will pass, in a few years no one will talk about it" ... oops!I created the company with all the difficulties in the world and a huge campaign from the manicurists saying that gel nails were harmful. The first two years were something I wouldn't wish on anyone: I sold my car because I needed money, I cried the day I handed it over but I knew it was for a greater cause. I believed in HN, I believed in myself, I believed in Bruno and I knew it was going to work because it was us steering the ship, because our determination was greater than anything.As a trainer, I started teaching and at the same time always training with top trainers from all over the world. In one of my first major trainings, I came back from Germany with my wrist open from so much filing... Years later, I did an international guru training in Malaysia: in this training, we had to pass tests and show our knowledge to pass and become "international guru". The training was from 8 am to 8 pm and even so, I still practiced at night with my travel friend Paula Kristy. It was a very tough training, but it greatly broadened my horizons...We did it! And achieving this title is very important in our field, but I always wanted to keep evolving more and more. And that's how it is to this day, every year I make a point of taking courses to be able to pass on the best to our students. We have been here for 12 years, without giving up (like any human being, we have often felt like it), I built HN together with Bruno and my entire team, and I am very proud of my journey.Sometimes we need someone to awaken our competitive spirit, our ambition to be more, someone who believes in us.WANTING IS POWER, FIGHTING IS WINNING! Always believe in yourselves first, and that anything you want with all your strength is possible.And for me THE BEST IS ALWAYS YET TO COME!