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Cristiana Borges - Hit Nails - Vila Real

Cristiana Borges - Hit Nails - Vila Real

"I graduated in communication, but in 2012 I started in the aesthetics field with my first training in gel nails.

In 2014, the opportunity arose for me to join HN Hit Nails as a trainer and brand representative, and I opened the first academy in the entire Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro region.

I have already won several awards in national and international competitions in various categories of structure and nail art.

I am constantly learning and evolving, seeking the latest techniques and trends to offer the best in the market to our students.

What I enjoy most is teaching and sharing knowledge, seeing all the students develop skills they didn't know they had. Always attentive and helpful to the students, providing continuous support to all, especially after they enter the job market.

I am a trainer in nails, eyelashes, aesthetics, and makeup.

In 2022, in partnership with HN Hit Nails and Tropikus Furniture, we launched an exclusive bed for Lash Designers: Marquesa para Pestanas by Cristiana Borges.

It's no coincidence that we are the best academy. Together we will go much further!"

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