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Daniella Abreu - Hit Nails - Madeira

Daniella Abreu - Hit Nails - Madeira

"I am Daniella Abreu, I am 27 years old and I was born in South Africa, but I have lived almost my entire life on the most beautiful island in the world, Madeira Island.

I was 18 years old when I decided to embark on this adventure in the field of aesthetics. At the time, I thought the path was massages and always said that nails were not for me. Until the day necessity forced me (and what is meant to be has a lot of strength), I had to start doing nails.

Well, a huge desire to grow in the nail world developed. And everything changed when I met Cila and Bruno. Life took me to Lisbon and that's where my adventure began. I met Catarina Moreira and I can say she was a fundamental piece of my puzzle, the nail puzzle.

Today, I have the academy HN Hit Nails Madeira and I can say it has been a challenge so far, but very rewarding. Having the HN Hit Nails family by my side makes all the difference."

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