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Marlene Martins - Hit Nails - Almada

Marlene Martins - Hit Nails - Almada

"I'm Marlene Martins,

I've been exclusively in this profession since February 2008, when I took my first initial training in gel nails. I specialize and am passionate about nail structure, particularly almond Russian and stiletto shapes.

I have participated in various nail championships; the first was in 2018 in Madrid where I won 2nd place in Design Sculpture and 2nd place in French Acrylic. I also competed in Badajoz where I won two 1st places in French Acrylic, and Stiletto got 2nd in French Gel. I also competed in Valencia and Porto.

I chose the career of nail designer because I am passionate about art. I chose the profession of nail designer because I have always believed in it as a credible and responsible profession. Always seeking knowledge and training to provide excellent service to my clients and students.

Being a successful nail designer means investing and improving every day."

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