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Sandra Arzileiro - Hit Nails - Coimbra

Sandra Arzileiro - Hit Nails - Coimbra

“The nail field hasn’t always been a part of my life, and I never suspected it could become my great passion.

In 2014, due to a life circumstance, moving to Angola, I chose to take a Gel Nails course to find a job there. That’s when I discovered this incredible world and began to fall in love with nails.

In 2015, I returned to Portugal and started working independently in a salon in Condeixa. As the years went by, I felt stagnated in the profession and felt that I wanted to evolve more, to be more than just the nail girl in the small town. Then, in 2019, the opportunity arose to work at Andreia Santos' space in Coimbra. As the opportunity demanded and since this field is constantly evolving, I decided to take the Acrylic training course.

In 2021, we formed a partnership and in 2022, we embraced this project of being Academia HN Hit Nails de Coimbra. Over the years, the challenge is constant in my evolution, with structure being my main focus and what challenges me the most and takes me out of my comfort zone.”

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