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Sandra Francisco - Hit Nails - Caldas da Rainha

Sandra Francisco - Hit Nails - Caldas da Rainha
I am Sandra Francisco, a simple and happy person who has always had a huge passion for this world of nails. I left behind my hometown, where I started my journey in this field, to seize the opportunity to dedicate myself 100% to this profession. In 2017, I arrived in my beloved city Caldas da Rainha, and I can tell you that initially it was a challenge, new city, new profession, away from my city, it was a challenging phase in my life, but being a determined person who loves challenges and constantly seeks evolution, I managed to get where I am today! Currently, I am the CEO of three Hn stores, HN Caldas da Rainha, HN Leiria where I provide training, and HN Hit Nails Store, selling HN Hit Nails products. 
My goal is continuous evolution both professionally and personally, and to pass this on to all my students, so they believe in themselves, achieve, and grow in this world of nails as I have grown, always with the same mindset "to go further and be the best version of myself" both as a trainer and as a person, reflecting this to all the students who cross my path here at HN Caldas da Rainha and HN Leiria. 
I can tell you that today I look back and do not regret the decisions I made. Starting from scratch is difficult, a challenge, but with the right people by our side, with a lot of willpower, determination, focus, and hard work, we can achieve our dreams. If you have the dream of entering this profession, go ahead, believe, invest, and bet on yourself and your knowledge. Become more than just another nail professional, stand out for your professionalism. 
Learning at a good academy will make all the difference. Count on us!
Come meet us, we are located at Rua Dr. Julio Lopes nº 18 in Caldas da Rainha, Avenida Nossa Senhora de Fátima, nº 15, 2410-140 Leiria, and Rua Dr. Júlio Lopes nº 18, 2500-198 Caldas da Rainha.
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